by ASW-ATI | Apr 11, 2019 | Innovation, Innovation, Uncategorized
A.T.I will take part in the third edition of Rete Tour Services on May 18 in Turin, a meeting point for technical operators and institutions involved in the management of networks and underground utilities connected to the energy world.Eng. Allocca will present a... by ASW-ATI | Apr 11, 2019 | Innovation, Innovation, Uncategorized
A.T.I. participates in the workshop to be held May 31, 2017 at H-Farm in Roncade (Treviso). The topics covered will be: “Water sector. Criticality, opportunities and governance “and” Smart Meter Evolution “. A.T.I. presents: Cloud Services for... by ASW-ATI | Feb 21, 2019 | Applications, Automation, Automation, Experience, Innovation, Privacy, Services
ATI promotes plastic waste reduction through the use of recyclable or compostable materials. packaging for shipments are mainly in recycled materials our staff is committed to avoid needless plastic stuff water plastic bottles are replaced with a water dispenser hot...